Cool Ideas

Winter 2003

Dear Clients and Colleagues:

Besides the inevitable activities winter brings, it’s the best time for reflection and planning. Here are a few “cool” ideas.

The Dr. Phil Show – Cool New TV Show

So far, it’s a hit. Dr. Phil is doing fantastic in spite of armchair critics who said success was a long shot without Oprah. For those of you who have been under a rock, Dallasite psychologist Phil McGraw, an Oprah regular, launched his own show last September. His target market of stay-home moms are happy as clams. This means ratings are good, and lots of money is being made.

Why mention Dr. Phil’s show-so many of you being in industry? Three reasons. One is to update you on LodeStar Universal activities. Working behind the scenes on the show, I spent much of the summer traveling to LA, studying rough cuts and coaching one of his regular guests. A second reason for mentioning the show provides you with a better understanding how I help you pack a communication wallop: Working with a wide diversity of clients and communication issues provides me with unique perspective. As many of my clients know, I often work with venture capital and high tech investments. What you may not know is that over the years, I have put together a respectable stable of executives and professionals who transferred their expertise to media and entertainment–either as talent or subject matter experts

Here’s a third reason. Dr. Phil demonstrates the concept of creating value in a challenging marketplace. Ho-hum ideas abound. The Dr. Phil show is one business concept providing deep value.. As the world turns today, traditional telecom may be in shambles, but a low budget movie that touches the heart such as My Big Fat Greek Wedding is still going strong. Conventional thinking says entertainment is risky-and telephones aren’t. Just as soon as you think the world works one way, you are in for a surprise. All depends, doesn’t it?

The Comedian – Cool New Movie

Stand-up comedy is brutal. Audiences are neither politically correct nor polite. Feedback is instantaneous. They either laugh with abandon or stare coldly while you melt like brown sugar doused in water. Especially for those who have heard me speak or are clients, this movie is a must. It will deepen your understanding of speaking. For the rest of you, it’s well done and a good time. This wonderful film, produced by and starring Jerry Seinfeld, is a documentary about his struggle to create a new stand-up comedy routine. Cameo appearances by Letterman, Chris Rock and Cosby add to the fun, pathos and drama. I never was a Seinfeld, the TV show, fan. No matter. I now am a Seinfeld, the man, fan.

Biz Talk – Cool New Cable Show

It’s taking a lot longer than anyone expected, (especially me) but the first Biz Talk airs this winter on Dallas cable. For those who don’t know, Biz Talk a hip talk show about not so every-day people in the business world, the human beings behind the numbers. The first guests include legendary restaurateur Kathy McDaniel; corporate architect Brigette Preston; sales guru Debbie Mrazek and venture capitalist Molly Pieroni. By the way, they all happen to be women. Just worked out that way.

It’s been my baby for several months and is slowly taking shape and form. Yours truly is host and co-producer along with many fantastic supporters and volunteers. During one of my LA trips this summer, I practiced my talk show host skills with a team at CBS studios where I enjoyed working with the son and daughter of the famous radio DJ Casey Kasem.

Star or Superstar – Cool Speeches

My most requested speech for corporations this fall has been Star or Superstar? Higher Performance Tips for High Performers. More than any other lately, I’ve been asked to make this talk to management teams and C-level executives. One example comes from the mouth of former Secretary of the Navy, John Dalton, a client from many years ago. John and his terrific wife Margaret used to live in Dallas when John worked for Goldman Sachs. During the keynote, I provide a checklist for people to assess where they stand on the road to stardom. “Stardom” serves as metaphor for being the best you can be.

What I have observed over the years is that there is a difference between good and really good. And it’s not simply raw talent. Everyone talks about continuing to learn. Everyone talks about having a team. What I see is that how and what people continue to learn makes a big difference as does how their personal support team is created. (For more information, please call 214.696.3510.)

The Wellness Revolution – Cool New Book

Interesting books to cross my path recently? Dr. Tom Diaz, my client and Dr. Phil’s personal physician, recommended The Wellness Revolution. Turns out, it was penned by best-selling author and an old friend Paul Pilzer (former economic advisor to two presidents). Paul predicts the current $200 million wellness industry will grow in 10 years to $1 trillion. Check it out to see how he proposes to solve obesity, the health-care crisis and government insanity.

Entrepreneur’s Money-Raising Road Show – Cool CD’s and Audio Tapes

The Wellness Revolution also offers many ideas for entrepreneurs to create new companies. That’s part of the fun of it. This reminds me to tell you my audio and CD series the Entrepreneur’s Money-Raising Road Shows are available on my website and on Amazon. These tools are full of valuable information and anecdotes that you cannot get anywhere else. The information is actually good for anyone making a high-stakes pitch. A workbook to go along is in the works.

Star Pitches, Way Cool Presentations – Cool Workshops

If you are interested in one of our presentation or entrepreneurial workshops such as Way Cool Presentations or Star Pitches, please call the office and we can give you the latest schedule. One event is specifically geared to financial planners and helping them build their seminar business.

Check out the website for upcoming dates. Any person who mentions this newsletter gets a 10 percent reduction. Former clients receive a 25 percent reduction off any workshop. And anyone repeating a class receives 50 percent off.

Not bad a bad way to start 2003!


Alex Ramsey
President, LodeStar Universal

P.S. Please visit our website or LodeStar Universal at 214.696.3510 or 866.781.6192 for a schedule of seminars and speeches. Learn more about how we can help you, your company or employees grow and thrive in 2003.